Category: Resource

useful info (books, YouTube, links, places)

Monarch Waystation Tour

We were able to have a quick tour of the Warren County Extension Master Gardeners Certified Monarch Waystation between much-needed rain showers and blustery winds. Kathee Morgeson gave us an informative introduction to how the Waystation gardens were established last year as a Warren County Master Gardeners research project. Many species of butterflies, moths, and […] Continue reading "Monarch Waystation Tour"


Wild Ones has published their revised statement on nativars and their use in the garden. Check it out! Read online at the link below: Nativars: Where do they fit in? Continue reading "Nativars"

Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants

Many garden plants commonly found in big box stores are exotic and invasive but have native relatives or alternatives. Here are some resources to help find native plants to use in place of exotic invasives. Some plants in these lists are not Kentucky specific so check other resources like or Tennessee Kentucky Plant Atlas […] Continue reading "Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants"

Native Plant Nurseries

A list of relatively close by native plant nurseries so you can add to your native garden! Busy Bee Nursery and Consulting – Barren County, KY On facebook: Dropseed Native Plant Nursery – Goshen, KY On facebook: Ironweed Native Plant Nursery – Columbia, KY On facebook: Pick n Grin […] Continue reading "Native Plant Nurseries"

Gardening for Bats

A recording of our Zoom presentation on Gardening for Bats is now available! Erin Cord of Bat Conservation International spoke to Wild Ones SoKY Chapter via Zoom and shared several myths and misconceptions about bats, the benefits they provide in our ecosystem, and some ways to make your yard more bat friendly. Check out these […] Continue reading "Gardening for Bats"