Warren County Stormwater

Get to know Warren County Stormwater and how they might be able to help you!

If you are having trouble with an unstable creek or stream bank, sink hole, or other drainage issue Warren County Stormwater may be able to help! They also have an interest free loan program for septic to sewer conversion.

The Division of Stormwater Management was established to promote the health, safety, and welfare of Warren County citizens by preventing the pollution, impairment or destruction of its natural resources.

You can contact them to request information, report illegal dumping, litter, or road department issue, or if you’re having a flooding or drainage issue. Even if the property in question is not owned by the county, they can provide information and recommendations that can help a landowner solve a problem, or refer to other organizations or agencies who may be able to help.

Contact info for Warren County Stormwater:
1141 State St
Bowling Green, KY 42101

The online contact form can be found at the link below: