

Plant Pull for LRC Meadow Restoration

This event has ended
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
to (Central Time)
Lost River Cave, 2818 Nashville Road, Bowling Green, KY, 42101 Map

Public Welcome Free Event Family-Friendly Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity

While working on the meadow BioBlitz, August 13th, it became clear that Rudbeckia triloba (aka Brown-Eyed Susan) was taking up too much real estate in the meadow. It’s time to thin them out before they go to seed. In doing so, we’ll create space for a better balance of grasses, sedges, and other forbs. So LRC is asking for volunteers to help pull out the rudbeckia. Wear closed-toed shoes, long pants, and consider a long-sleeved shirt. Some folks prefer it when removing plants, but others wear short sleeves. Bring gardening gloves and a water bottle. We will provide a cooler with water.  

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