Plant Pull for LRC Meadow Restoration
This event has ended
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
Public Welcome Free Event Family-Friendly Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
While working on the meadow BioBlitz, August 13th, it became clear that Rudbeckia triloba (aka Brown-Eyed Susan) was taking up too much real estate in the meadow. It’s time to thin them out before they go to seed. In doing so, we’ll create space for a better balance of grasses, sedges, and other forbs. So LRC is asking for volunteers to help pull out the rudbeckia. Wear closed-toed shoes, long pants, and consider a long-sleeved shirt. Some folks prefer it when removing plants, but others wear short sleeves. Bring gardening gloves and a water bottle. We will provide a cooler with water.