Demonstration Garden at Lost River Cave

Posted on | Project, Project Update

Wild Ones SoKY Member John Zippay has a keen interest in native plants and the wildlife that rely on them.  To that end, John arranged an area at Lost River Cave to show people how they can use native plants in their home gardens. The demonstration garden includes raised beds, a large trellis, and a rain garden, all filled with native plants. John adds plants to the garden on an ongoing basis.

Interested in helping out with this garden, donating native plants, or helping in another capacity? Let us know!

The rain garden area before planting.
Rain garden after planting.
Scarlet Bee Balm (Monarda didyma).
Eastern columbine (aquilegia canadensis)–a hummingbird favorite–and golden ragwort (Packera aurea) in the raised bed. Both are excellent sources of nectar in the spring!
Royal catchfly (Silene regia) is another hummingbird favorite!